Thursday, July 31, 2014

Roadside Shooting Workout with only 10 Rounds

We hear from our students often that they just don't have time for training due to busy schedules and ammo costs. Here's a solution to that: a simple, quick, and easy 10 round shooting workout that can be done on a dirt side road (check your local laws!) or even at an indoor range. And you don't have to use a steel target - a cardboard box with a hand drawn target would also work just fine, you just don't get the immediate feedback.

Steel target shown in video came from Precision 3D Targets (P3DT):

Glen's MK82 SOB medical kit on his belt came from RedWire Gear:

Holster and mag holder from TCB Holsters:

Don't forget to visit our website to register for one of our courses, or to setup your own private training:

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And don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel!

Stay Aware, Stay Safe, and Train Hard.

My Use of the Resqme Tool in the Real World

You never know when you might be called upon to rescue someone from a vehicle, especially a child who has been trapped inside by a careless parent, which happens a lot during the summer time, and can quickly lead to heat-related injuries or death. Carry the right tools for the job!

From Resqme's Facebook page:

We received a notification telling us that Glen Stilson, Independence Training head instructor, saved a life trapped in a car after an accident, using the resqme tool. Our team is beloved to share this fabulous story to you all:

I wanted to write you a quick note about how I recently used one of the Res Q Me tools that you sent to us. Myself and another one of our instructors were headed back from a training class when we witnessed a vehicle accident in front of us. As we rendered aid to the occupants, the passenger, who was pinned inside and underneath the vehicle, began having trouble breathing due to the seatbelt being wrapped around his neck and restricting his airway. I keep a Res Q Me attached to my med kit, and with one clean cut I released the seatbelt and then stabilized the passenger’s airway. In the end, the driver was released at the scene and the passenger was taken to the local hospital with non-life threatening injuries, thanks to the Res Q Me.

See the attached photo (shown above) that I took after Fire and EMS arrived and extracted the passenger. The passenger was on the opposite side of the vehicle - Glen Stilson, Head Instructor

Want more information about vehicle evacuation tools, including the Resqme? Check out the video below.

Stay Aware, Stay Safe, and Train Hard.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Iron Mike Magazine article - Using AR-15s for Home Defense

Check out Glen's article over at iRON MiKE Magazine by Clicking Here. It's about using an AR-15 for home defense, and why you may want to consider it. It's a good followup to our most recent show on The Arms Room about setting up a fighting rifle - check out the video below. Also in the video below is a special guest interview with Lauren, owner of the recently news-worthy Shooters Grill in Rifle, CO - where all of the waitresses are armed and trained!

Stay Aware, Stay Safe, and Train Hard.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Western Whitetail article: Setting Up for Hunting Success

The new issue of Western Whitetail is out (Spring 2014), and Glen's "Make The Shot" column in this issue takes a look at how to set yourself and your rifle up for success before and during the hunt. You can read the article in full by clicking here.

Want more info about Western Whitetail magazine? Visit their website.

Standard subscription rate is $12.99, but if you're interested in a FREE subscription to Western Whitetail, contact us to find out how to get it - Contact Info Here.

Stay Aware, Stay Safe, and Train Hard.