Friday, October 24, 2014

Gunsafe Roundup Shooting Exercise and Marksmanship Training

Most of us probably own at least a few firearms that don't get taken out of the safe that often, and the Gunsafe Roundup exercise can help you fix that!

The Gunsafe Roundup is great for kids, too!

Don't forget to visit our website to register for one of our courses, or to setup your own private training:

AR500 steel targets are from Precision 3D Targets - be sure to ask for the Independence Training model:

You should also definitely visit and 'Like' our Facebook page:

Want to get more info about training, firearms, self-reliance, and emergency prep? Check out our show, The Arms Room:

And don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel!

Stay Aware, Stay Safe, and Train Hard.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Importance of DOPE

Glen's newest article for Western Whitetail is up, and it's all about the importance of DOPE - rifle DOPE, that is. You can read the article in full by clicking here or on the image of the rifle and DOPE book below.

Want more info about Western Whitetail magazine? Visit their website.

Stay Aware, Stay Safe, and Train Hard.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Total Carry System - it's more than just a gun

"If you carry a gun everyday it won’t be long before someone asks you, or you ask yourself, how can this be done more comfortably? Like most things in firearms culture, it is a constant balance."
Our good friend, training associate, and fellow instructor Jason from TCB Firearms and Holsters had an awesome article about the Total Carry System posted over on IRON Mike Magazine - you can read the entire article by clicking here.

When we had Jason on the The Arms Room earlier this year, we talked about the Total Carry System and why it's so important - check out that episode here. Jason also told us his awesome story about why he got into carrying a gun and training in the first place, so be sure to listen to that episode to hear more about it.

Stay Aware, Stay Safe, and Train Hard.